Upcoming Events

In cross sections of society, such as classrooms, we encounter different personalities that may seem opposed to our own. A sacred pause during those interactions opens us to the possibility of positive intent. What was a clash can then transform into anything from a learning opportunity to the basis of a boundary.

Personality Clash is a space within the TAnntra Talks series held by Tashé Ann for one hour via Zoom. We will return to the sacred pause and broaden its role to encourage positive assumptions when navigating contrasting personalities. This virtual gathering is free and open to everyone in community. Anyone interested in participating or witnessing can share their e-mail to receive the Zoom login information as well as updates.

See y'all at 7 P.M. (1900) EST on Thursday, August 15, 2024!

Authentic Consent is a model of embodiment within a larger culture of consent. It is learned, lived, and led by facilitators. A certification course for new Authentic Consent Facilitators will be offered in-person at the Sex Down South Pre-Con on Tuesday, September 3rd and Wednesday, September 4th! See you soon?

Visit this link for more information and to register today!

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